Monday, November 14, 2011

Tis the Season!!

It's that time of year again!! Time to be thinking about Christmas cards!

I like different things. I like to be different than everyone. I like it when people see something and think "I wonder where she got that?"

Searching around for the perfect Christmas card is so much fun. There are quite a few different sites to choose from. I have searched high and low and I have found the site I will be using!! I have heard of TinyPrints before and have seen their work. I LOVE their style and variety!

I looked through all of their Christmas card/holiday card collection this year and had the TOUGHEST time choosing which one would be our card this year! So many awesome cards! I had probably 20 in my favorites list to weed through. But I finally settled on this one:

Isn't it cute?!?

I need to hurry out and get more pictures of our family to fill up all the pictures slots, but I LOVE it and cannot wait to send them out!!

Which card will you choose?

I would set aside at least an hour to really look through all of them! Or is that just me that needs that much time?!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Every year around this time, I start looking for our Christmas card designs. I love looking around at the varieties out there, but honestly, I have really found that Shutterfly has the best to choose from. Last year, I got Christmas cards from both Walgreens and Shutterfly and I can tell you, the difference in the quality was huge. Walgreens picture was very dark compared to Shutterfly. I definitely learned my lesson. I really do love all the designs they offer and always have a hard time choosing. This year, I am going to be ordering these I love how it doesn’t follow the red green Christmas-y type cards. I like a little color and funk to my cards.

Which card is your favorite?

I also highly recommend their other products. I recently ordered a couple calendars for Christmas presents. They are adorable and I cannot wait to give them to the family for Christmas!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Playing catch up

I guess it was the wrong time to start a blog. My life is pretty busy and as a result, this blog gets ignored. I should make it a priority, but seriously, it will never make the list.

Emersan celebrated her 3rd birthday on June 27th. We had a get together at the grandparents house, where there is LOTS of room to run. Emersan only ended up having 2 friends there, but she had a blast anyway. They played in the pool, opened presents, had cake and ice cream and hot dogs. She is getting so big.
She had her 3 year doctors appt on June 30th. She weighs about 38 lbs and is 36+ inches tall. (I really should know this. I have the paper somewhere). She is right on track with her growing. She grew 4 inches in the last year. Holy cow. She is now wearing a size 4t and shoe size is 8.

She is in dance and LOVES it. She enjoys going every week. She even got a new leotard from uncle Travis and Aunt Tiffany for her birthday. She is quite the little dancer.

Brynlie had her 4 month appointment today. She weighs 15 lbs 13 oz and is 24 inches long. She is growing well also. She is talking like crazy and its such a blessing to hear. Beautiful.

Dustin and I are doing well also. But really, who wants to know about the parents when you have 2 beautiful girlies to talk about?!?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A post all in pictures...almost

A look into our summer so far.

So far, summer is going pretty well. We have been to Adventureland and Bondurant summerfest where Emersan rode her first rollercoaster!!
Some fun things that are going on with the kids:
Emersan is really into dancing and loves to shake it all the time around here. I signed her up for a dance class through Ankeny Parks and Rec to see how she does. That starts next week and I am so excited to see how she does. I think she will LOVE it!
She definately has been saying a lot of things that just have me laughing so hard lately. She put a couple of plastic cups over her boobs and told me she was pumping. LOL I about died. She also started saying "ridiculous" which comes out reedickleeus. She is very very entertaining.
Bryn is getting her first tooth...I think. I feel a little something in there and she is drooling and gnawing on her hands like crazy. She is kicking and playing a lot more now. She is doing so well.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I really do not do well with blogging. excitement for blogging is slowly fading. I always forget to keep up with it!

Heres just the gist of all the happenings around here since I'm tired and ready for bed...I'll just get down to it.

Emersan had to go to the doctor the other day because she wasn't feeling well. She now weighs 38.8 lbs. I'm not sure where that puts her on the charts but she is healthy and that is all that matters. She ended up having a red throat, belly ache, fever and so on. She is doing much better now and is her active self.

I recently gave her her first haircut. It was needed to even things up and also it works because it will be cooler for the summer. She did a wonderful job. Although I didnt tell her what I was's just better that way sometimes.

Bryn went to the doctor on the 17th for her 2 month appointment (already!!). She weighed 12 lbs 11 oz. Growing perfectly. She is a great baby. So happy and rarely cries. She sleeps through the night already, which is a nice change from miss Emersan who didn't STTN until 9months. Bryn is a blessing. She is starting to talk and coo and its so much fun to have "conversations" with her.

We got a new in-laws are the best! Happy birthday to Emersan!! I will post all sorts of new pictures...LATER.

I'm tired. Off to bed I go.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Two in one day!

Another post, I know, but the last one was strictly for Mothers Day.

This one is on the newest happenings in the Fargo household.

Emersan is fully potty trained. She still isnt going without a diaper at night, but she wakes up it's mostly for MY peace of mind. She also tells us when she has to poop so we can quick put a diaper on her to poop...she refuses to poop in the potty just yet. But she is peeing in the potty like a champ. She is so big.

Bryn is just such a happy happy baby. She is always smiling and cuddling up with who ever is holding her. She is such a joy.

I'll add pictures later.

Mothers Day

"Motherhood brings as much joy as ever, but it still brings boredom, exhaustion, and sorrow too. Nothing else ever will make you as happy or as sad, as proud or as tired, for nothing is quite as hard as helping a person develop his own individuality especially while you struggle to keep your own."--Marguerite Kelly and Elia Parsons

Today is Mothers Day. A day to honor mothers. A day to remember EVERYTHING mothers do for everyone. It's a pretty special day. Moms all over the world are being celebrated.

Today I got to spend my Mothers day with my family. I couldn't ask for more. I hosted a Mothers Day brunch here this morning. We had my brother, sister-in-law, her parents, my parents, and Dustins parents all here for brunch. Lots of yummy food was made and lots of good conversation was had. I love family get togethers.

My beautiful daughters got me a heart necklace with 3 little diamonds on the side, one for each of my girls and one for me. (thanks mom and dad for "helping" them pick it out). I will forever cherish this necklace. Emersan came into my room this morning carrying a gift bag and said "here mommy, this is for you and Brynlie. It's a necklace." You've got to love her. Bless her heart.

So as today continues, my heart continues to be full of so much love for not only my girls, but my mom and mother in law. I am truly blessed beyond words.